Pisces-Virgo: The Healing Heart (Part 1)

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Living Soul Astrology

In this article from the LCM Archive, Soul Astrologer Ruth Hadikin explores why the Soul path of Pisces is the path of the healing heart…


© Artwork by Daniel B. Holeman

The sign of Pisces is associated with illusion, delusion, glamour, suffering, sensitivity, bondage, captivity, prisons, hospitals, religious orders, renunciation, detachment, self-sacrifice and death. Sound like fun? If you thought Scorpio was intense welcome to the oceanic depths of Pisces, yet we shall soon see why the Soul path of Pisces is the path of the healing heart. Having journeyed through the previous 11 signs of the Zodiac, spending up to eight lifetimes in each, the Soul in Pisces has been around the block to say the least. No wonder your Piscean friends sometimes seem to be carrying the weight of the World on their shoulders.

Having learned to flow the energies of love and life consciously, accurately and consistently in Aquarius to become the World Server, the Soul in Pisces becomes a liberated, radiant, expression of Christ Consciousness: a World Savior. A developmental cycle is complete and the Soul is now fully mature and ready to fulfill Divine Purpose.



“In Aquarius, the sign of world service, the lesson is finally learned that produces the world Saviour in Pisces”


– Alice Bailey1



Does every Piscean we meet have the saintly qualities of a World Savior? Not quite. As we shall see, there is a big difference between the personality vibration, and the Soul expression of Pisces. The gap between the lower octaves and higher octaves of this mysterious sign is the biggest in the whole Zodiac, and the difference is one of fear and love. Bridging this gap is the longest journey humanity will ever make.



The sign of Pisces embodies oceanic consciousness. Water signs are all about Mastery of emotions and mutable signs are all about change, so that gives us a clue to the higher purpose of this sign. Collectively, under the influence of Pisces, we are here to transform through our emotions. As the sign of oceanic consciousness Pisces is aware of, and experiences, the consciousness of humanity. This is why Pisces has the reputation of being the most sensitive sign of all. It means sensitive in the sense of being aware of, and able to use, all of our senses. Not, as some people unfairly presume, in the sense of being a wimp.



Indeed our Piscean friends can really step up to the plate when the chips are down and stand their ground as good as anybody. You wouldn’t want to cross a Piscean who is standing up for what they believe is right. The real sensitivity of Pisces comes from their ability to sense everything. Now think about that. Would you really want to feel everything that everyone is feeling? All of the time? Pisces does. And with that comes great sadness, and great responsibility.



Pisces feels, and lives with, the truth of suffering every moment of every day. No wonder some drink! All forms of escapism are a very real risk for our Piscean friends: Movies, TV, computer games, drugs, alcohol – anything that numbs the pain is a big temptation for them. For Pisces the suffering of humanity is a real, lived, experience. Not a mental concept or idea. Pisces feels the interconnectedness of us all, and feels your pain. In a sense they really are carrying the burden of humanity. If you have Sun, Moon or Rising Sign in Pisces you’d be wise to avoid the temptation to ‘numb’ yourself. Learn about the higher power and purpose of your magnificent sign, and know what you can do to ease the pain for yourself and others, by using the ‘medicine’ of your opposite sign.



The challenge for the Pisces personality, is one of identification. Water signs tend to become identified with their feelings, and the Pisces personality all too easily becomes identified with deep feelings of sadness, self-pity and low self-esteem. (Low self-esteem comes from the ‘illusion’ that negative and painful feelings ARE your Self). Blinded by glamour2, and desperate to escape from their fears, the biggest life lesson for a Pisces personality is to learn that they are not their feelings. Your fears will dissolve like morning mist when you realize your true spiritual nature but to do this you first need the laser-like discernment of your opposite sign Virgo.



The Piscean personality often confuses ‘self-sacrifice’ with ‘people-pleasing’, which leads to the mistaken thinking that you are either a victim or a martyr who has to continually neglect your own needs and defer to the whims of others. This misguided thinking is part of what you are here to transform and transcend. At Soul level Pisces knows the deeper spiritual significance of ‘self-sacrifice’: in the sense that the deeper meaning of the word ‘sacrifice’ means ‘to make sacred’. The ‘sacrifice’ is of your lower fear-based self, as you awaken to your Sacred Heart energy and align with the Self that knows all are one.



What do we mean by a Sacred Heart? We are not talking about the physical heart, but a very subtle and powerful energy field. The Sacred Heart is the subtle connection between us and the Divine which, when awakened, allows us to flow Divine Energy into the physical world. All you need to do to awaken it, is to continuously and consistently place your attention upon it. Before this can happen, the pure focus and discernment of Virgo is needed: first to cultivate somatic (body) awareness and then to discern subtler and subtler energies within our whole Being. The word ‘sacrifice’ refers to the practice of bringing loving attention to the subtler aspects of our Being, so that we realize our own spiritual nature, our ‘Sacred Self’. Our Sacred Heart lies at the center of our Sacred Self, and is that which connects us all.



“The fluid, sensitive, temperament in Pisces – mediumistic and psychically polarized – must be stabilized in Virgo, in which sign mental introspection and critical analysis become possible and serve to arrest the fluidity of Pisces. These two signs balance each other.”


– Alice Bailey1



When the oceanic consciousness of Pisces accesses the pristine purity and loving awareness of Virgo, something miraculous happens. Rather than being numb, the focus and precision of Virgo helps you to feel more deeply and precisely, until you identify and access your Sacred Heart. You experience the transformation of negative emotions as you breathe through your own heart. This felt experience in Virgo,  brings Pisces to the realization that when you make just one small change within yourself, it changes the whole. This is the true power and mystery of Pisces, and it comes from a real lived experience not from a belief or an idea. It is the knowledge of how one transforms the many: that one pure droplet, changes the whole ocean.


It is in the sign of Pisces that Humanity’s greatest spiritual achievements are fully realized, and so it makes sense that our greatest challenges also lie in this sign. Before we can realize the spiritual heights we have to acknowledge the depths. Acknowledging the truth of the ocean of human suffering, rather than trying to escape, avoid or run from it,  is the greatest challenge our Pisces friends will ever face. Yet is is only by fully examining suffering, with the critical eye of Virgo, that we begin to fully understand the cause.

 This post is an excerpt from Ruth’s book “Soul Astrology: How Your Rising Sign Reveals Your Soul Path and Life Purpose” Click HERE to read more and/or order your copy.

Key Points:

  • Pisces is the sign of oceanic consciousness (Unity Consciousness): on the personality level this depth of sensitivity can lead the individual into avoidance and/or escapism. At the Soul level this is the highest state of consciousness with the capacity to heal all suffering through the Sacred Heart connection.

  • The spiritual path of Pisces is to emit a constant pulse of Divine Love through the Sacred Heart.

  • The ego-trap for Pisces is using the power of her imagination to create fear, believing the fear, and then identifying with the negative feelings that result. This then causes Pisces to want to withdraw to avoid pain. 

  • The solution is to journey deep within – employing the discernment, analytical capacity, and somatic (body) awareness of Virgo to activate your Sacred Heart. You cannot imagine the Divine Love that emanates from your own heart – you have to feel it.


  1. Esoteric Astrology” The wisdom of The Tibetan (Master DK) as channelled by Alice Bailey.

  2. The Piscean Age is called the “Age of Glamour”, in which our suffering is very real indeed, yet the causes are rooted in illusion and delusion. To understand the mechanism of this (and how it relates to Pisces) see  “The Age of Pisces: Spiritual Redemption”

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1 thought on “Pisces-Virgo: The Healing Heart (Part 1)

  1. Pingback: PISCES-VIRGO: THE HEALING HEART (Part I) – Soul Astrology With Ruth

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