Libra Aries 2: Think About It, There Must Be Higher Love…

Living Soul AstrologyThe second in a two-part article from the LCM Archive exploring the deeper esoteric meaning of Libra as higher love expressed through the administration of Divine Law, Truth, Beauty and Harmony.

libra ariesAs the Soul travels deeper on it’s journey through the Zodiac, the higher octaves of the signs become ever more esoteric, mysterious and difficult for us to comprehend with our limited intellect.

“Reason, the highest property of the intellect, is what guides purposive thought. Purposes, however, are limited; and therefore reason can operate only in what is limited. Wisdom alone can accept and intuitively realize the unlimited, the timeless and the infinite, by renouncing explanations and by recognizing the mystery, which can only be felt, experienced, and finally realized in life – and which can never be defined.” -Lama Anagarika Govinda1

Libra and Aries are two ends of the same energetic spectrum. To discern the higher octaves of these signs we need to go beyond the limitations of our intellect and enter the realm of intuition which, in itself, is part of our evolutionary journey. The higher octave of Libra brings us higher knowledge of the inter-relatedness of all things. Whereas the initial impulse for existence begins with Libra’s polar opposite Aries, who declares “I exist’! The higher octave of Libra acknowledges that all existence is dependent upon relationship. Things exist in relation to other things. You exist because I exist. I exist because you exist.

That the whole of existence is dependent upon relationship, is key to the deeper mysteries of Libra.  Once we reach our highest iteration, our highest evolved state, we will reach for the next. There will always be a higher octave. There is no end goal. Once we have transcended all traces of our personality vibration, and are resonating with our Soul vibration, there will be another higher octave that our expanded consciousness will aspire to, at the Hierarchical and Cosmic levels.

We can relate to octaves through the musical scale: do, ray, me, fah, so, la, tee, do. This is one octave. Once we reach the highest note in this octave, we can move to the next. There is no end to the potential octaves. The only limitation is human capacity and perception. For example when we strike a single note on a bell, the sound appears to fade away. Where does it go? In fact the sound wave continues without end. It only appears to us to ‘end’ because the sound wave has traveled beyond the range of human perception.

It is possible to expand our perception, as mystics have done in times gone by, until we can hear the ‘music of the spheres’. This is one of the mysteries of Libra: the precise relationship between notes within octaves, between octaves themselves, and our capacity to perceive them, all come under the law of ‘right relations’.

Librans often have the feeling of being caught between worlds. With such deep esoteric knowledge at their fingertips, they can feel like they are neither here nor there, with one foot on Earth and the other in Heaven. Now wonder the Libra personality has a reputation for being indecisive! But this is not a case of choosing between camps, rather it is exactly where Libra is supposed to be. Bridging the gap between Heaven and Earth by spanning the Universe.

Before Libra can reach her highest octaves however, she first has to transcend the Libra personality: and to do this she needs the self-orientation, courage, intuition and energy of her polar opposite Aries. Ironically Libra you have to take your attention off others, and focus more on your Self, to restore balance!

There isn’t just ‘other’ in relationship, there is you, too. The only way you can access your innate esoteric knowledge, and even begin to touch upon understanding the laws of harmonics is through your own inner journey, which opens the gateway to your intuitive Self. It is through knowing yourself, that you truly come to know others. It is through healing your own system, that you come to understand healing of all systems.

One of my mentors, LCM’s Editor Anya Sophia Mann, is a Libra Soul. She has a working definition for healing that shows her understanding of the higher octaves of Libra:

“Healing is the balancing of a system – whether it be a human body, a family, a corporation, or a country.”Anya Sophia Mann

For a ‘case-study’ of Libra soul-light expressing itself through (in this case) a Cancer/Aries personality, you may like to visit her website and take a few moments to read two or three of her blog posts. Notice in particular how the Libra themes of beauty, harmony, love of music, and a powerful desire to balance the human system through compassion and right relations, shine out as a common thread throughout her work.

“Love is a higher thought about somebody”Anya Sophia Mann

If you have Libra Rising (Ascendant) it is your challenge in this lifetime to access the highest octave of Libra energy that you possibly can, and express this through the talents of your two personality signs2 (Sun and Moon) for the purpose of healing (balancing) systems.

So Libra, will you overcome your fears and undertake the inner journey to your Self? Will you elevate your relationship dynamics and travel among the stars on heart-waves of Higher Love, until you resonate with the Music of The Spheres? As Steve Winwood reminds us, the answer lies ‘deep in your heart and hidden in the stars above…’3

This post is an excerpt from Ruth’s book “Soul Astrology: How Your Rising Sign Reveals Your Soul Path and Life Purpose” Click HERE to read more and/or order a copy.

Key Points:

  • Libra is the sign of Higher Love expressed through the administration of Divine Law, Truth, Beauty and Harmony.

  • The spiritual path of Libra is establishing Right Relations, especially Right Human Relations, through the law of Harmonics.

  • The ego-trap for the Libra personality is avoidance. Through a misguided concept of peace Libra avoids a deeper experience of Life, and remains blissfully unaware of the very real Laws of Nature she has come to work with. Ironically these lead Libra to the real peace she desires.

  • The solution is to embrace the highest vibration, and consciousness, of her opposite sign Aries: wherein she will experience the Laws of Nature that she has come to balance and harmonize.

1. “Creative Meditation and Multi-Dimensional Consciousness” by Lama  Anagarika Govinda. Quest Books, Illinois.

2. This doesn’t only apply to Libra: the challenge for us all is to tap into the highest octave of our Soul Sign and express it through our personality signs. For a simple overview on using Soul Astrology for your personal and spiritual development read this article

3. Lyrics from the song “Higher Love” by Steve Winwood from the album “Back In The High Life“.

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