In the first in this two part series from the LCM archive Ruth Hadikin explains why integrating the Gemini-Sagittarius polarity is important for our Soul’s journey…
At Soul level, Gemini is ruled by Venus, a sacred planet (according to Esoteric Astrology).
Venus’ higher octave awakens us to truth, beauty, harmony and the highest unconditional love. The Gemini Soul is here to unite the head and the heart, creating a bridge to Higher Mind and Higher Love.
The fully integrated Gemini resolves polarity at every level1. All opposites merge in Gemini: self-others, personality-soul; Higher Self-lower self; mind-heart, etc. This happens through a deep understanding of energetic relationships. Through Mercurial connection to Higher Mind, consciousness, and Venus, Gemini governs the Breath of Life, the movement of Spirit in Form. This awakens us to conscious relationship on all levels.
The Gemini personality, lacking the wisdom to comprehend the complexity of these relationships, has a tendency to become scattered, distracted by an array of duality. The deep, truth-seeking focus of Sagittarius is needed for Gemini to find (and stay on) the path leading to its higher Soul purpose:
To teach Right Human Relations, between self and others, personality and soul, anima and animus, higher mind and lower mind2
In its exploration of energetic relationships, Esoteric Astrology discusses the subject of the Seven Rays2. Earth is on the evolutionary path of the second ray of Love-Wisdom, otherwise known as the “path of love. In Buddhism, the ultimate wisdom is the “wisdom realizing emptiness” and is written in a text called “The Heart Sutra.” The ultimate wisdom is therefore considered to be “heart” wisdom or “Love-Wisdom.” Thus the spiritual path of Gemini-Sagittarius is inherently linked to the spiritual evolution of the Earth and of human consciousness.
The spiritual path of Gemini-Sagittarius is the path of heart-wisdom leading to the realization of ultimate truth. It is the spiritual path of realizing Love-Wisdom through the revelation of truth. However, where Sagittarius is seeking truth, Gemini is asking, “What is truth?” To fully understand Gemini’s Soul Path, we need to understand the concept of “two truths.”
The “two truths” refer to conventional truth, as we experience it in our everyday, and the ultimate truth of reality. This can be explained by a paradox, I’m sitting on a chair. The chair does not exist. Both statements are “true.” Conventionally, the chair exists. We can see it. Yet on the atomic level, there is nothing. There is certainly no chair and indeed there is more space than there is solidness at that level. So it is also completely true to say that the chair really does not exist.
Because of a deep realization of the relationship between energies and an ability to experience many dimensions of Being, the Gemini Soul realizes that all “conventional” truth is relative and depends upon both our perspective and our capacity for perception.
The integrated Gemini teaches others through the creation of wonderful “stories,” weaving thought, information and ideas into magnificent concepts – “mental structures” that point towards ultimate truth – and by creating new systems of thought, or sciences4.
Our problems arise when we confuse those mental concepts with ultimate truth. As soon as we put truth into words, it is no longer truth, but merely one expression of it – which reduces it to the level of conventional truth. It is not, in ultimate reality, a chair just because we label it as such.
He who talks about truth injures it thereby;
He who tries to prove it thereby maims and distorts it;
He who gives it a label and a school of thought kills it;
And He who declares himself a believer buries it.
– Lin Yutang
When we start believing our own stories, it confines us to a narrow and limited experience of Spiritual Truth. This is the ego-trap of Gemini: over-identification with thinking, and the mistaken belief that we are what we think. If we believe the philosopher Descartes who said, “I think, therefore I am,” then who are you when you are not thinking? The integrated Gemini is aware of many multi-dimensional aspects of our Selves as Spiritual Beings, way beyond thinking.
If you have Sun, Moon, or Ascendant in Gemini, the challenge for you is to experience your Self beyond your thoughts. There is literally more to you than what you think! This world is very distracting for a Gemini, and it is all too easy for you to get lost in trivia, missing the magnificence of your inner being. With the sustained focus of Sagittarius, you are capable of traveling beyond your thoughts into multiple inner dimensions to the very depths of your Soul.
During Gemini season (May 21-June 20), the energy of Gemini is available to all of us. It is our annual opportunity to connect with the wisdom of our hearts. Will you use the extensive power of Gemini to divide, or unite? To build walls or bridges? Will you scratch beneath the surface, discover worlds within worlds, and realize the deepest truths of your Soul and the ultimate relationship of Love-Wisdom? It all depends upon your ability to choose where you place your attention and maintain your focus. LCM
This post is an excerpt from Ruth’s book “Soul Astrology: How Your Rising Sign Reveals Your Soul Path and Life Purpose” Click HERE to read more and/or order a copy.
- A fully integrated Gemini would be a future human who already has full Soul/personality fusion.
- Esoteric Astrology. The teachings of Djwhal Khul (Master DK) as channelled through Alice Bailey.
- In “Esoteric Astrology”, the Earth is the Soul Ruler of Sagittarius and the Hierarchical ruler of Gemini. This shows the importance of the Earth for individuals under these signs and the importance of the Divine Intelligence of Gemini-Sagittarius, in the evolutionary process on Earth.
- Alice Bailey, author of Esoteric Astrology, had Sun in Gemini, as does this author!