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Carter Emmart uses astronomy and computational modeling to create scientifically accurate, three-dimensional tours of our universe.

He coordinates scientists, programmers and artists to produce scientifically accurate yet visually stunning and immersive space experiences in the AMNH’s Hayden Planetarium. Over the last decade, he has directed four shows: Passport to the Universe, The Search for Life: Are we Alone?, Cosmic Collisions and Journey to the Stars.

Hayden Planetarium

  WHAT THE ‘BLEEP’ DO WE KNOW? (view movie trailer)

First released in theaters in 2004, WTBDWK!? went on to become one of the most successful documentaries of all time. Now distributed in over 30 countries, it has stunned audiences with its revolutionary cinematic blend of dramatic film, documentary, animation and comedy, while serving up a mind-jarring blend of Quantum Physics, spirituality, neurology and evolutionary thought.

   known_universe_75THE KNOWN UNIVERSE (view movie)

This film shows the known universe as mapped through astronomical observations. Every satellite, moon, planet, star and galaxy is represented to scale and in its correct, measured location according to the best scientific research to-date. The data is maintained and curated by research astrophysicists at the American Museum of Natural History as the Digital Universe Atlas.

Previous generations could only imagine what we can now see with our own eyes.

We live in amazing times.

  HUMANITY ASCENDING (view movie trailer)

You already know where we’ve been…

but are you ready for where we’re going?

  THE SHIFT (view movie trailer)

 The trailer is very moving.  Spread  the word folks! This is a movie inspired by a global movement.

“One day we will wake up and realize: we are family” – Archbishop Desmond Tutu



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