Category Archives: Pets Are People Too (Archive)

This section features lots of inside information from pet owners about how to love your pets more, in holistic ways. Sometimes the best tips come from the inside out, the pet owners themselves.

Bad Behavior Doesn’t Mean Bad Pet

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bad behavior

In this practical article from the LCM Archive Pet Intuitive Carol Dorsey explains why we sometimes see bad behavior in our pets [pdf-embedder url=””] [xyz-ihs snippet=”Aweber-LCM-Updates-Lightbox”]

PETiquette: Respectful Ways To Bring People and Pets Together

people and pets

In this practical article from the LCM Archive Pet Intuitive Carol Dorsey shares some helpful tips for bringing people and pets together in healthy ways. [pdf-embedder url=””]   [xyz-ihs snippet=”Aweber-LCM-Updates-Lightbox”]