Category Archives: LCM Archive
Little Boy and His Dog
Bad Behavior Doesn’t Mean Bad Pet
Interaction Between A Baby And A Dog
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Reframing Is A Way To Shift Perspectives
In this article from the LCM Archive Ruth Hadikin explains what reframing is and how it can support us in shifting our perspectives When I was thirteen I used to cry myself to sleep at night. One night my Dad asked me what was wrong and I asked him “why haven’t I got any friends?” He replied: “People don’t want… Read more »
PETiquette: Respectful Ways To Bring People and Pets Together
In this practical article from the LCM Archive Pet Intuitive Carol Dorsey shares some helpful tips for bringing people and pets together in healthy ways. [pdf-embedder url=””] [xyz-ihs snippet=”Aweber-LCM-Updates-Lightbox”]
Venus Uranus and The Inner Journey of Libra
In this article from the LCM Archive Ruth Hadikin explains how Libra has three planetary rulers or ‘space-holders’, which are important for understanding the deeper mysteries of this important sign: Venus Uranus and Saturn Libra Season is upon us once again, bringing with it an opportunity for balance and harmony, multi-dimensionally. The sign of Libra is associated with… Read more »
Cats: Our Teachers
Libra Aries 2: Think About It, There Must Be Higher Love…
The second in a two-part article from the LCM Archive exploring the deeper esoteric meaning of Libra as higher love expressed through the administration of Divine Law, Truth, Beauty and Harmony. As the Soul travels deeper on it’s journey through the Zodiac, the higher octaves of the signs become ever more esoteric, mysterious and difficult for us to comprehend with… Read more »
Libra Aries 1: Think About It There Must Be Higher Love
Part 1 of a two-part article from the LCM Archive discussing the importance of balancing the Libra Aries polarity for our spiritual journey… The words of that Steve Winwood song (Higher Love) echo through my mind as I write. Libra is the sign of beauty, truth, harmony, ethics and justice. Represented by the scales of Justice herself, Libra is… Read more »