In this article from the LCM Archive Ruth Hadikin explains what reframing is and how it can support us in shifting our perspectives When I was thirteen I used to cry myself to sleep at night. One night my Dad asked me what was wrong and I asked him “why haven’t I got any friends?” He replied: “People don’t want… Read more »
Life Coach Sue Harper-Todd, the first ever British woman to lead a successful expedition to summit Mt. Everest, compares the qualities of a Life Coach to those of a Sherpa, in this classic archive post which was the very first Featured Article in LCM! “Have YOU ever had a dream? A dream of doing something extraordinary?” “My husband’s death was… Read more »
As I listened carefully to his words, I noted that Mike often made disparaging remarks about himself. He would talk about his business with great insight and enthusiasm, but end each sentence with words of personal disapproval. The more we talked, the more it became apparent to me that Mike was unaware of disrespecting himself through his own words. Mike… Read more »
You may believe that happiness is related to success, achievements, money and possessions. However, you will probably find that after a short period of feeling proud for your achievements, you then feel let down, empty or even lost. So, you set another goal and continue to want more, falling into the “If only” lifecycle, saying, “I would be happy if… Read more »
There is a part in all of us that is observing whatever we are doing, it is always present. We know because, looking back at a past incident or period in our lifetime, we can notice things now that we were not aware of at that time. For instance, you can go back to an argument you had with somebody… Read more »
Recently, in a moment of illumination, I saw more beauty in myself than I had before. I turned on the bathroom light, looked up to face the mirror and saw a brighter, lighter face. A mouth with slight, soft upturned corners. Eyes that shined deeper. I stood up straighter, pulled myself back and leaned in to get a closer look. … Read more »
Listen to the author share her inspiration for writing this article (click above). At the time of writing (2013) Nonda Chomokos (Mr. ‘C’) was principal at Patterson Elementary School, Gilbert, Arizona. He can be contacted through Administrative Assistant Nancy Boothe, at
In every moment of every day, in every way, everywhere, someone is coaching someone. Life is bursting with coachable moments. I believe that we all are coaches for, with and to, each other. Everybody from all walks of life is coaching in some way throughout the day. Every day. All day. A coachable moment can leave an everlasting impression on… Read more »