Scorpio Season: Personal Healing and Transformation

Living Soul Astrology

ScorpioLCM’s Soul Astrologer Ruth Hadikin takes a look at why Scorpio is a sign of personal healing and transformation

Scorpio is a water sign and, on our journey of self-awareness and spiritual awakening, the water signs (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces) are about mastering emotions. In the zodiac the twelve signs are also defined in terms of their ‘quality‘ or modality, which describes the behavior of energy through the sign. A sign’s energy can be described as cardinal (spearheading, initiating, pioneering), fixed (stabilizing, securing, containing) or mutable (changeable, adaptable, dissolving). Once we understand that Scorpio is the fixed water sign, we can learn so much about how energy flows (or not) in this sign. Where in nature do we find ‘fixed’ water? Ice.

However this doesn’t mean that people with planets in Scorpio are like ice, no, quite the contrary. If you have Scorpio friends you may well be struck by how intensely passionate they are, not ‘cold as ice’. When someone has personal planets in Scorpio they are learning about how energy changes shape and form in different states. In other words, at the deepest level the spiritual path of Scorpio is about understanding different states of consciousness.

Having fixed energy in a water sign gives Scorpio a distinct advantage on the spiritual path, but this is not without it’s pitfalls. The advantage lies in Scorpio’s ability to ‘fixate’: to choose an emotional state and then ‘lock and hold’, keeping their attention there for as long as they wish. This brings a great potential capacity for meditation: the ability to choose a higher state of consciousness at will, such as compassion, and remain there for as long as one wishes.

The downside of fixed energy however is that, until you have attained a certain degree of skill in discerning and navigating the emotional scale, you can just as easily get ‘stuck’ in a lower emotional state and have difficulty shifting yourself out of it. This is why Scorpio can be prone to depression. The good news is that there is something you can do about it, you just need to learn how.

There is something deeply mystical and significant in understanding how different states of consciousness affect our perception, and thus our experience of reality. In nature water is one of the most magical substances. We can see the most amazing transformation happens to water in something as simple as a change in temperature. When we lower the temperature, water becomes ice. When we raise the temperature, water becomes steam. In it’s journey from solid to liquid to gas, water tells us that the most amazing transformation is possible – we just need to know how.

Sigmund Freud, the forefather of modern psychoanalysis, lived during the Victorian age when the dominant energy source was steam. The Victorians were in love with steam power and what they called ‘thermodynamic‘ theory (basically how water changes form in different temperatures). Freud derived his ‘psychodynamic theory‘ from observations of water and steam, and concluded that in the human psyche energy can’t go anywhere (because there is no-where for it to go) but that, like water, it can only change state. No surprise that Freud had Scorpio Rising and was a Scorpio Soul.

If you have personal planets (Sun, Moon, Rising Sign) in Scorpio then, like Sigmund Freud, you are also here to learn and understand the power of transformation by navigating your emotional world. With experience, and through your great capacity to focus, you can learn how to choose an emotional state at will, and hold your attention there. Once you do that, you become a masterful energy alchemist who can transmute emotional energy and transform it into higher vibration spiritual energy for the benefit of all.

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