Sagittarius-Gemini: Silence and The Love of Wisdom (Part 2)

Living Soul Astrology

In the second part of this article from the LCM archive, Ruth Hadikin continues exploring why Sagittarius needs to embrace his opposite sign Gemini to balance and elevate the Sagittarius-Gemini polarity…

Sagittarius-GeminiPart of the Sagittarius ego-trap, is to become ‘lost’ in the intellectual realm, and fail to realize the next stage of his evolution: accessing Intuition through his Higher Mind. Too much intellectual processing leads to ‘analysis paralysis’. Mentally going around in circles can be very deceptive. In the illusion that one is ‘getting somewhere’ or resolving a problem, one may simply be unproductively wasting time and energy.

“The centipede was happy quite,
Until a toad in fun
Said: “Pray, which leg goes after which?”
This worked his mind to such a pitch,
He lay distracted in a ditch,
Considering how to run.”

– Ogden Nash


Using the intellect as a basis, releasing dogma, accessing Intuition, and translating that into Wise Action is the healthiest pathway for Sagittarius if he is to avoid ‘falling by the wayside’, being distracted by things outside of himself in an endless intellectual ‘loop’ like the centipede in the above rhyme!


One of the most important lessons Sagittarius will learn, is that he will never find Wisdom outside of himself. His true Soul journey is one of going within, but this is often difficult for our lovely fun-loving, gregarious, affable and sociable friend. He is such a lover of Life that there are many things outside of himself, to distract him from his journey. The symbolism of the Archer pointing his arrow at the target, is symbolic of Sagittarius’ search for the ‘real’ goal: the search for his Soul wherein he will find his highest truth and wisdom.


“Everything we hear is an opinion, not a fact.
Everything we see is a perspective, not the truth.”

– Marcus Aurelius


The above profound quote from Marcus Aurelius brings the realization that wisdom and truth can not be found outside of ourselves. The need for silence, both internally and externally, which enables us to go within and identify the subtle pathways that lead to this inner wisdom, is emphasized under the sign of Sagittarius. According to Alice Bailey:


“Sagittarius is the sign preparatory to Capricorn and it is called in some ancient books “the sign of silence”. In ancient mysteries the newly admitted brother had to sit in silence, he was not allowed to walk or speak; he had to be, to work and to watch, because one cannot enter the fifth kingdom in nature, the spiritual kingdom, or climb the mountain of Capricorn, until there has been restraint of speech and control of thought. That is the lesson of Sagittarius: restraint of speech through control of thought.”1

The fully integrated Sagittarius knows that true wisdom is to be found in the silence. If Sagittarius is to become Master of his Actions, he needs to realize  this wisdom: beyond words – beyond mental concepts – beyond his own intellect. He needs to go within and access the silent wisdom of his heart and Soul which whispers to him through the language of Intuition. In order to do this he needs to release dogma by accessing the all-embracing Wisdom of his opposite pole Gemini, which will allow him to consider alternate perspectives, prevent him  from getting lost down a rabbit hole and, most importantly, give him the skill of  placing his attention on his inner world.

Once he has turned his attention within, accessing the multi-faceted awareness of Gemini, Sagittarius will recognize his own multi-dimensional nature,  access the higher wisdom of multiple intelligences (beyond intellectual, emotional and spiritual intelligence!) and find his Truth.


“The flame that gleams beyond the mind reveals direction sure.”

– Alice Bailey1


In terms of the Soul’s journey through the Zodiac, Sagittarius has been described as a ‘chrysalis’ stage1. Once a caterpillar turns into a chrysalis, everything inside dissolves into fluid, and is reconstructed into a butterfly. Contrary to popular myth this is not a ‘latent’ phase of development but indeed a very clear, powerful and active stage. After all is broken down and turned to fluid in Scorpio, the “three aspects of Divinity”1 become visible, and the way forward is known.


It is said that there are ‘gifts’ in the three Fire signs of the Zodiac: the gift of existence in Aries, the gift of opportunity through individuality in Leo, and the gift of power in Sagittarius1. Although Scorpio is indeed a powerful sign, it is actually in Sagittarius that this power becomes potent through ‘right direction’. This is a vital stage in our Soul’s development, which eventually leads to the birth of Christ Consciousness in Capricorn.


There are magical Universes to explore Sagittarius. Will you become a prisoner of your own philosophy and, like the Spanish Inquisition, limit yourself with mental concepts? Or will your love of Wisdom permit you to turn your attention inwards, and give yourself the highest freedom: the freedom to broaden your horizons and explore every facet of your multi- dimensional Being beyond your own mind? Pick up your bow and arrow and set your sights on your inner goal. Sagittarius, the adventure of your Lifetime begins here!

 This post is an excerpt from Ruth’s book “Soul Astrology: How Your Rising Sign Reveals Your Soul Path and Life Purpose” Click HERE to read more and/or order your copy.

Key Points:

  • Sagittarius is the sign of Higher Truth and Wisdom through spiritual seeking.

  • The spiritual path of Sagittarius is to Master your thoughts, words and deeds and discover your true nature through deep inner knowing.

  • It is in Sagittarius that the mind can realize true liberation – freedom from the fetters of limited thinking, and begin the path to full enlightenment.

  • The ego-trap for Sagittarius is getting ‘stuck’ in the ‘intellectual’ (or mental) realm, believing his ‘opinions’ are fact, confusing ‘opinion’ with truth, and erroneously telling himself (and others) how life ‘should’ be lived.

  • The solution is to embrace the highest vibration, and consciousness, of his opposite sign Gemini: which will open him up to the multi-dimensional nature of his own Being.

1.“The Labours of Hercules: An Astrological Interpretation” by Alice Bailey

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1 thought on “Sagittarius-Gemini: Silence and The Love of Wisdom (Part 2)

  1. Pingback: SAGITTARIUS-GEMINI: SILENCE AND THE LOVE | Soul Astrology With Ruth

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