His Dream Came True Within 28 Days!

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Coach and Medical Intuitive Jean Sheehan describes how her client’s dream came true with a little help from coaching…

dream came trueImagine having a dream that is so big that if you don’t fulfill it, you become physically sick?

That is exactly what happened to my client Andrew, a primary school teacher. Andrew had a lifelong dream to create a children’s educational book. This is the story of how that dream came true within 28 days!

When Andrew first came to see me, he was feeling frustrated and unwell.  He was also feeling a bit of a failure as he hadn’t yet manifested his dream.   Through further coaching conversations with Andrew, it became evident that he was still carrying a lot of old beliefs from his childhood which were still impacting him as an adult.


Like many of us,  Andrew had been bullied at school, often for being too skinny and too feminine.  He also had a love of ballet which caused the other children to laugh at him.   However, these experiences ultimately led Andrew to choose a career in teaching as he wished to  empower children to know it was OK to be themselves, regardless of their body shape or preferences!


In further coaching sessions with Andrew, I realized that he was unconsciously sabotaging his dream to write a book as he feared that people would laugh at him.  

We began to create a new perception of the reality he desired. This included Andrew imagining what it would feel like to hold the completed book in his hand, launch it, and hold book signing events. I also watched Andrew’s body-language change, and could feel his new found excitement. 


Andrew then began stepping into the author that he really was. Within 7 days Andrew was able to achieve what he had tried achieving in 12 months!   Finally, at the end of 4 weeks’ coaching,  Andrew  had his draft book in his hand and could call himself an author.


He told me that coaching had assisted him in realizing the steps he needed to take in order to move forward and leave the past where it should be – firmly in the past!

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