Virgo Pisces: Returning (Part 1)

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Living Soul Astrology

The first in a two-part article discussing the importance of balancing the virgo pisces polarity for our spiritual journey…

virgo piscesAs the sixth sign, the Soul in Virgo has reached the mid-point of it’s journey through the developmental stages of the Zodiac. This is the point where the journey home, the returning, begins. The essence of the Virgo Soul is the Divine Feminine, Mother Earth, purity, one’s vocation, spiritual calling, and Divine Purpose.

From it’s starting point as a ‘point of light in the mind of God’1 in Aries, the Soul has now reached the farthest point of it’s journey – the deepest level of immersion in the material world. This is evident in the characteristics and concerns of the personality-oriented Virgo: work, discernment, precision, perfection, health, the physical body.

Yet the true purpose of the Soul in Virgo is not to become overly concerned with mundane affairs but rather to bring spiritual energy into physical matter by imbuing our mundane world with Divine Love through sacred action. To the Virgo Soul, work IS sacred action, and it’s purpose is to elevate our world: to literally bring heaven to Earth by making the World sacred.

So does this mean that all Virgo’s embody the qualities of an Earth Goddess? Well, not exactly. Earth signs are concerned with Mastery of the Physical, and as the Mutable Earth sign, Virgo is concerned with change. Changes in the physical. In the case of the Virgo personality this often means concern with the physical body and physical health. The personality ruler of Virgo is Mercury which means Virgo has the unenviable task of trying to ground Mercurial energy into a physical body. This relates to the deeper spiritual significance of Virgo. The Virgo Soul is somewhat like a Cosmic lightening conductor: here to ground higher spiritual energies into the planetary body.

This Mercurial effect can lead to some of the so-called negative qualities of Virgo. Mercury’s stimulation of the ‘mental’ or cognitive aspect of mind can lead to restlessness, nervousness, worry, criticism, and obsessive-compulsive tendencies, especially in relation to health and/or sickness. It is no accident that Virgo became known as the ‘sign of the stomach ulcer’!  At the personality level this can also lead Virgo to ‘nag’ their friends and family about health and wellness issues.

For any of us, one way to distinguish if we are personality-oriented or Soul-oriented, is to check whether we are internally or externally focused. When we are internally focused, we align with our Soul path and have an inner focus. We are conscious of our thoughts words and actions, our inner motivations and drives, and we follow our inner wisdom. When we are externally focused we are like a leaf blowing in the wind. We are driven by external motivators, seek external validation and externally-conferred status, and are motivated by acquiring wealth and position in the external society.

This external focus, keeps the Virgo personality entangled in the outer world: in the world of work, the affairs of others, the health and well being of others, and this can lead to criticism of others’ choices and behavior, especially with regard to health, wellness, nutrition and fitness. This also leads Virgo down the fruitless path of seeking perfection in the outer world. Virgo’s Soul journey is to discover spiritual perfection by becoming internally focused and for this Virgo needs to experience the oneness of her opposite sign Pisces.

In Part Two we explore how the higher octave of Virgo’s opposite sign, Pisces, opens Virgo to her true vocation, or spiritual purpose.

This post is an excerpt from Ruth’s book “Soul Astrology: How Your Rising Sign Reveals Your Soul Path and Life Purpose” Click HERE to read more and/or order a copy.

Key Points:

  • Virgo is the sign of Vocation: your Highest Spiritual Purpose

  • The spiritual path of Virgo is the realization of spiritual perfection and it’s practical expression in the mundane world.

  • The ego-trap for the Virgo personality lies in being too externally focused: losing yourself in the world of ‘work’, mundane occupations, and thereby ‘missing’ your true spiritual purpose.

  • The solution is to embrace the highest vibration, and consciousness, of Pisces, which in turn elevates Virgo to her Highest Purpose.

1. “Esoteric Astrology” The wisdom of The Tibetan (Master DK or Djwahl Khul), as chanelled by Alice Bailey.

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