Taurus Scorpio 2: The Desire To Know and The Path of Illumination

Living Soul Astrologytaurus_scorpio

Part II of an article exploring the importance of Taurus’ opposite sign Scorpio in awakening Taurus to the treasures of the spiritual journey.

Whereas Taurus’ opposite sign Scorpio is the first to dive headlong into confrontation, Taurus can dig in their heels and actively avoid confrontation to ‘keep the peace’. (Or just present a wall of stubborn silence). Contentment and preserving the status-quo are the ego-traps of Taurus: the tendency to be content with material gain and/or sense pleasures, and to avoid making waves, prevents you from asking the bigger questions, exploring your inner nature, and seeking higher knowledge. This keeps you stuck in ‘spiritual ignorance’, focused purely on mundane matters and not recognizing your own inner awareness.

The higher Divine vibration and illuminatory nature of your Taurus Soul cannot be accessed from such a limited perspective. The deeper mystery of Taurus’ esoteric ruler Vulcan is hinting that we have the key to our own destiny: we really are forging our own path. The inner mysteries of Taurus are strongly connected to the development of the three ‘kayas’ (three bodies of a buddha) or, in other words, the light body.

As a Taurean Soul you have an inner  understanding of the process of ‘involution’ (a necessary precursor to evolution) whereby Spirit incarnates into matter to have a physical experience. We are spiritual beings having a human experience because of the energies of Taurus. They are the most mystical of energies. At it’s highest level of illumination it is the sign of omniscience (all-knowing) and clairvoyance (clear seeing), so it is ironic that at the personality level many Taureans keep yourselves spiritually limited, by not aspiring to spiritual truth. This is the Soul-path of Taurus in a nutshell: the transformation of desire into aspiration. To transform the desire for mundane sense-pleasures into the aspiration for spiritual truth. Yes folks it’s time to put down the chocolate and go meditate!

When you allow yourselves to simply ‘be’ in meditation, for example with the radiance of a flower, a deep inner-knowing begins to dawn upon you. More than anyone your Taurean Soul knows that your own physical body is both a Temple, and a Universe. You know the beauty and radiance of the flower, felt at a very deep level, that  connects with your own inner beauty and radiance until eventually there comes a recognition of the Divine within. As a Taurean Soul you are learning to use your exquisite sensing capability to sense Divinity in all physical forms. This is how you sense and know beauty. 

By being more inquisitive about the nature of your own inner world, you start moving towards Taurus’ opposite pole of Scorpio. This lifts you out of your comfort zone, beyond the doldrums of contentment and cultivates your desire to know. The knowledge gained in Scorpio awakens and enlivens the higher vibration of Taurus. The full implications of your Taurean Soul Journey are hinted at in the Soul Keynote for Taurus:

“I see and when the Eye is opened, all is light”1

This refers to the opening of the inner eye, following which you see and understand the workings of the Universe. The Soul path of Taurus is to know and understand all the mysteries of the workings of the Universe by recognizing and directing your own inner light.  The illuminatory power of Taurus was well-known in Ancient times. The brightest star in the constellation of Taurus, “Aldebaran”2 is commonly called the ‘eye of the Bull’ but it was also known in Ancient Mystery schools to be the “Eye Of Illumination”.

Taurus’ Soul ruler Vulcan shapes and forges primordial awareness into physical matter. This accounts for the dualistic inclinations of Taurean energy: will you direct your power and stamina outwards toward the mundane, or inwards toward the spiritual? 

When the pristine primordial immature awareness of Aries (the ‘point of light in the mind of God’1)  first moves towards form3 in Taurus, as a result of desire, it is not yet known whether it will incline towards the mundane, become embroiled in the materialistic world and contribute to the ‘great illusion’ or whether it will incline towards a spiritual path and move to illumination. It could go either way. Will your journey be of benefit to all, or just benefit for yourself?

If you have Taurus strongly placed, it is very important for you to stay alert, aware, recognize your inner senses and make conscious choices to move toward the light moment by moment.  This time of year, this not only applies to those with Taurus in their natal chart, but to the rest of us as well. During our annual “Taurus shower”, we all get to bask in the energies of potential illumination. Each one of us has the potential to become a ‘buddha’ (enlightened one). What we make of it, is up to us. The spiritual path of Taurus is one from ignorance to illumination through a deep recognition of spiritual truth, and the power to cultivate and direct spiritual energy into form.



 This post is an excerpt from Ruth’s book “Soul Astrology: How Your Rising Sign Reveals Your Soul Path and Life Purpose” Click HERE to read more and/or order a copy.



1. “Esoteric Astrology” the wisdom of Djwhal Khul (Master DK) channelled through Alice Bailey.

2. Here is a great article exploring the mystery of Aldebaran:http://www.souledout.org/cosmology/highlights/aldebaran.html

3. Not necessarily physical form. The Soul can be considered to have a ‘form’, ‘character’ or ‘shape’ .

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  1. Pingback: TAURUS-SCORPIO: THE DESIRE TO KNOW AND T – Soul Astrology With Ruth

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