Sagittarius-Gemini: Silence and The Love of Wisdom (Part 1)

Living Soul Astrology

In this article from the LCM archive, Ruth Hadikin explains why Sagittarius needs to embrace his opposite sign Gemini to balance and elevate the Sagittarius-Gemini polarity…



The sign of Sagittarius is associated with fun, gregariousness, optimism, friendliness, generosity, teaching, knowledge, philosophy and spiritual seeking. Welcome to the sign of great sages, wise-men (and women), and spiritual teachers. So does every Sagittarian we meet carry the wisdom of Solomon? Not exactly or, at least, not yet. Let’s just say they are on their way!

Known as the great philosophers of the Zodiac, our Sagittarian friends have a thirst for knowledge. They may not necessarily be hanging out in the halls of academia (although many are!) but nevertheless they are driven by a need to understand the Universe and everything in it. The thirst for wisdom is innate in every Sagittarian. Indeed the term philosopher comes from the ancient greek words philos (love of) and sophia (wisdom).

Esoterically Sagittarius is the first of the ‘signs of service’1 and the fully integrated Sagittarian is here to ‘uplift humanity through the revelation of truth and wisdom2. The highest octave of Sagittarius resonates with ultimate truth, freedom, and our highest spiritual goals, but before he can reach them our Sagittarian friend needs to transcend the ego-traps of the Sagittarian personality, and to do that he needs the eclectic, all-embracing wisdom of his polar opposite Gemini.

Mutable energy is all about change, and Fire signs are all about ‘Mastery of Action’ so, as the Mutable Fire sign, Sagittarius is here to ‘change the way we do things’. We can see how the word philosophy becomes distorted at the personality level so that, rather than simply being a love of wisdom, having ‘a philosophy’ becomes about having a ‘prescription’ for how we ‘should’ live our lives. This is a clue to the lower ego-trap of Sagittarius.

Spain is ruled by Sagittarius, and it is said that the Spanish Inquisition (A medieval religious tribunal where many people were tortured and killed to ‘test’ their affiliation to the Catholic Church) was a manifestation of lower octave Sagittarius. At it’s highest octave Sagittarius brings us truth, freedom and sets us on our spiritual path, at it’s lowest octave Sagittarius can erroneously create ‘belief systems’ and impose them on others. It is indeed a Sagittarian ego-trap to fervently pursue one mental concept to the exclusion of all others, in the mistaken belief that he has found a ‘truth’. This then becomes dogma.

The term ‘philosophy’ has been attributed to Pythagoras who, it is said, could hear the music of the spheres. In the Pythagorean school students were required to undertake daily ‘self-examination’. This meant a process of ‘going within’ and observing the esoteric  processes within one’s own body, speech and mind. Pythagoras knew that real wisdom is to be found by going within, rather than studying things outside of ourselves. True wisdom is also to be found beyond words:

“He who talks about truth injures it thereby;
He who tries to prove it thereby maims and distorts it;
He who gives it a label and a school of thought kills it;
And He who declares himself a believer buries it.”

-Lin Yutang

The true Mastery that is required of Sagittarius is to turn his attention inwards and master his own thoughts, words and deeds. Symbolized by the Archer, or Hunter, it is quite typical of Sagittarian energy to latch onto one goal, purpose, or idea, and get totally lost down the rabbit hole, tracking down his target while being blinded to all that is around him. By accessing the diffuse, eclectic, energy of his opposite sign Gemini, Sagittarius learns to lift his head above the parapet and consider all the options, be less one-sided and become aware of the multi-dimensional facets of Life. By going within, and realizing the multi-dimensional aspect of his true nature, Sagittarius eventually learns to discern truth from opinion, and finds that which he is seeking:  true love-wisdom.

The Tibetan (Master Djwhal Khul) explains how humanity is currently evolving in conscious awareness from instinct, through intellect, to intuition1. The intellect is a necessary part of our evolution. It allowed us to transcend instinct, or our animal ‘urges’ and create civilizations, yet following intellectual pursuits keeps our attention outside of ourselves.

Now that Sagittarius has used his intellect to free himself from the everyday burden of instinct: physically hunting for food, his next step is to go within and explore his intuitive realm.

In Part 2 we delve deeper into the mysteries of Sagittarius, understand how Sagittarius gets caught in his ego (and how he can avoid it) and discover the gift within this powerful sign, that is so important for our evolution towards Christ Consciousness.

 This post is an excerpt from Ruth’s book “Soul Astrology: How Your Rising Sign Reveals Your Soul Path and Life Purpose” Click HERE to read more and/or order your copy.

Key Points:

  • Sagittarius is the sign of Higher Truth and Wisdom through spiritual seeking.

  • The spiritual path of Sagittarius is to Master your thoughts, words and deeds and discover your true nature through deep inner knowing.

  • It is in Sagittarius that the mind can realize true liberation – freedom from the fetters of limited thinking, and begin the path to full enlightenment.

  • The ego-trap for Sagittarius is getting ‘stuck’ in the ‘intellectual’ (or mental) realm, believing his ‘opinions’ are fact, confusing ‘opinion’ with truth, and erroneously telling himself (and others) how life ‘should’ be lived.

  • The solution is to embrace the highest vibration, and consciousness, of his opposite sign Gemini: which will open him up to the multi-dimensional nature of his own Being.

1.“Esoteric Astrology” the wisdom of the Tibetan (Master DK) channelled through Alice Bailey.

2.“Esoteric Astrology: The Journey Of The Soul” by Candy Hillenbrand – Online document at

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1 thought on “Sagittarius-Gemini: Silence and The Love of Wisdom (Part 1)

  1. Pingback: SAGITTARIUS-GEMINI: SILENCE AND THE LOVE | Soul Astrology With Ruth

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