Relaxation Brings Insight

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David Brown explains how relaxation can unlock our subconscious, revealing deep insights…

Images from the subconscious can offer powerful insights into your relationships with others

Images from the subconscious can offer powerful insights into your relationships with others

Sometimes situations in life are too complex to work out with a conscious mind. Often, the subconscious provides a far deeper insight into the truth of a scenario, and therefore a way forward towards resolution. Relaxation can unlock our subconscious and reveal these deeper insights.

 A client brought one such scenario to her coaching session with me this week. She was describing the dynamics of a particular family situation that had developed over the previous 48 hours and she began to talk around the subject. As soon as I realized we were on the treadmill of blame and justification I asked her to describe the situation from the perspective of aikido.

 Now just before you wonder “Huh? How did he make that jump?” let me explain that I am an aikido instructor and I use aikido to demonstrate many of the processes that happen in the mind as we interact with people. My client is, it so happens, an avid aikido fan, so it makes this question completely useful, valid and relevant.

She described the feeling of being locked into place, trapped and powerless to move. She felt tension. She described her position in relation to the two other people in the dynamic, their feelings, the looks on their faces and what they were thinking. She said she found it really useful to see it in this way, looking on and separate from it.

Then I asked how she could move on from here? She said she needed to relax (relaxation is a key component of aikido that releases untold possibility and potential). Suddenly the dynamic changed and she was in a different position in relation to the people concerned, she felt different and able to meet the situation on new and more empowering terms.

My client now had a way to move forward and take with her a process that would allow all three of them the means to be seen, heard, and met, in this challenging family dynamic that had been building over many years. The embodied sense of relaxation does not just affect the body, it affects the mind and behaviour of all concerned. What was also useful to her was being able to see how her subconscious had painted a picture of their relationship dynamics so accurately. She found it really powerful to see the way the relationships were and how easy it was to shift them, through something as simple as relaxation.

 Powerful insights indeed.

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About David Brown

As a 4th dan martial arts instructor, for over 20 years David has incorporated self- development into his teaching by using techniques and concepts that increase self- awareness through embodiment, promote creativity using movement, writing and intuition and nurture self- confidence by empowering clients to make choices and take action when they stand in their power. Also trained as a co- active life coach, David is founder and director of Potentiality Coaching and combines his knowledge of physical movement and awareness with his love of helping people to take steps forward in their lives through coaching, workshops and writing to fulfill their true potential. David is the co- author of Nourish the Flame Within and is currently researching and writing his next book, Back to our Future- science, humanity and exploration, to be published in 2017.

1 thought on “Relaxation Brings Insight

  1. Ruth Hadikin

    Thank you for your contribution to LCM David. Great first post! I enjoyed learning about the hidden power of the subconscious and look forward to reading more of your posts! 🙂

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