Pisces Virgo: The Healing Heart (Part 2)

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Living Soul Astrology

In this article from the LCM Archive, Soul Astrologer Ruth Hadikin explores why the Soul path of Pisces Virgo is the path of the healing heart…


© Artwork by Daniel B. Holeman

Having cultivated spiritual realizations to the point of enlightenment, and with an opportunity to finally return to ‘the Father’s house’ the Piscean Soul, now fully equipped, awake, and aware, turns back in order to save others.

“I leave the Father’s home and turning back, I save”

– Alice Bailey1

The deeper mysteries of Pisces speak to the spiritual development of humanity, and the fulfillment of spiritual purpose.

The Piscean Soul doesn’t turn back to save others from some glamorous idea of being a hero, but rather from a quiet and simple recognition of Divine Purpose. That the point of existence and incarnation is to be a spiritual ‘pacemaker’, keeping the beat of spirit in matter, so all sentient beings may do likewise through a process similar to (but subtler than) entrainment2. To attain this capacity is the whole purpose of incarnation in general, and human incarnation in particular.



“For as long as space remains
And as long as sentient beings remain
Until then may I too remain
To dispel the suffering of all beings.”

– Shantideva



The Soul’s journey through the Zodiac signs is one of Human Spiritual Development. The completion of the cycle in Pisces brings resolution: the dissolution of illusory boundaries and final fusion of Soul and Personality. The fully mature Human Soul in Pisces at last has the power and capacity to be of service. According to Esoteric Astrology1  the true spiritual purpose of Humanity is to be a kind of conduit for spiritual energy: as spirit descends into matter through Humanity, our role is to flow and direct Divine energy for the benefit of the animal, plant and mineral kingdoms.



Pisces plays a vital role in Humanity’s awakening process. As each one of us purifies our thoughts and intentions we rise up from fear, and learn to focus and direct our Sacred Heart energy like a laser-beam. Each human that awakens then becomes like a spiritual pacemaker! Each pacemaker ‘cell’ in the heart of humanity, works silently in service. Radiating pure Divine energy from their Sacred Heart, which invites others to fully mature, awaken, and join them in the fulfillment of Divine Purpose. In this way the fully awakened Sacred Heart acts as pacemaker for an awakening Humanity. Many individuals are now sensing, responding to, and aligning with, this growing pulse of Sacred Heart energy as it’s rhythm ripples through Human consciousness.



In conventional Astrology the sign of Leo rules the heart, for it is in Leo that the individual first awakens to the warmth and love flowing through his own heart yet, as we shall see, it is in Pisces that we finally have the power, consciousness and capacity to emit a continuous ‘pulse’ of transformation!



Our current state of mind, with our focus on (man-made) war and suffering, is the result of our spiritual immaturity, which leads us to be blinded by ‘glamour’3. We are so easily deceived by the appearance of things, and we do not yet have the spiritual maturity to see things as they really are. Our spiritual eyes are still closed. We believe what we see and hear, which causes fear, negative emotions and results in us continuously living in a fearful, reactive, state. Watch a TV drama, thriller, or horror movie, and notice what happens to your emotions (and especially your heart rate!) when, in truth, nothing is actually happening to you.



This problem of not perceiving reality as it is, is what creates fear and a false idea of ourselves that is rooted in our ego-personality and sustained by the illusory nature of glamour3. It will change because it is only a phase we are going through. We will grow up and awaken to our Divine nature because it is part of our natural development. A child cannot remain a child. This is what was meant when Jesus Christ said “We are as children”. He was referring to our spiritual immaturity, and our inability to connect with, and be a channel for, Divine Love and Purpose.



In the Pisces personality there is still polarity. The personality and Soul are experienced as separate and, in a sense, the Soul is in ‘bondage’ to the personality as the higher vibration Piscean energy is filtered through the ‘lens’ of a human mind, with all it’s fear and illusion. The mind creates an ‘idea’ of separation: an ego-personality, which sustains the veil of illusion through fear. Realizing that we create the very illusions that keep us asleep, is an important part of our awakening, and this happens in Pisces.



It is under the influence of Pisces that each ‘cell’ in the Sacred Heart of Humanity, each ‘drop’ in the ocean of consciousness, ripens, matures, and starts beating ‘in synch’ with the Divine. Such is the magnificence and importance of Pisces. There isn’t much that can be said that offers consolation to the personality. Pisces is associated with death because there is a symbolic death. Symbolically, the personality ‘dies’ in this sign – it ‘fuses’ with the Soul as the individual becomes fully Soul-Centered.  



This is not nearly so dramatic as it sounds – the truth is that because our personality is also a glamorous illusion, when we fully awaken it simply dissolves and leaves us standing in the truth of our Sacred Self. We retain our awareness of being an individual drop, and part of the Ocean, at the same time. That is the point of our Soul’s Journey: to bring us into contact with important lessons and experiences that catalyze us into becoming fully awakened, conscious, individuals, in alignment with Divine Will and Purpose, and in service to all sentient beings. All hearts beating as one.



So Pisces, it’s time to put down that cocktail, turn off the TV, and hear the call of your heart. Don’t worry – you won’t have to go anywhere, or DO anything. You are not here to take center stage. You are simply here to be awake and focus on the power of your own heart, and to do that you need to access the focus and discernment of your opposite sign Virgo, by integrating the Pisces Virgo path. Then Mother Nature will do the rest.  You will soon realize how suffering really is transformed in your heart: through the power of your pure love. 


When enough of us mature spiritually, and become heart centered, transformation naturally happens. All you need to do is silently keep focusing on your heart-center while the rest of your human family wakes up and joins you in Divine Service. LCM

 This post is an excerpt from Ruth’s book “Soul Astrology: How Your Rising Sign Reveals Your Soul Path and Life Purpose” Click HERE to read more and/or order your copy.


Key Points:

  • Pisces is the sign of oceanic consciousness (Unity Consciousness): on the personality level this depth of sensitivity can lead the individual into avoidance and/or escapism. At the Soul level this is the highest state of consciousness with the capacity to heal all suffering through the Sacred Heart connection.

  • The spiritual path of Pisces is to emit a constant pulse of Divine Love through the Sacred Heart.

  • The ego-trap for Pisces is using the power of her imagination to create fear, believing the fear, and then identifying with the negative feelings that result. This then causes Pisces to want to withdraw to avoid pain. 

  • The solution is to journey deep within – employing the discernment, analytical capacity, and somatic (body) awareness of Virgo to activate your Sacred Heart. You cannot imagine the Divine Love that emanates from your own heart – you have to feel it.



“1. Esoteric Astrology” The wisdom of The Tibetan (Master DK) as channeled by Alice Bailey.


“2. “Entrainment in the biomusicological sense refers to the synchronization of organisms to an external rhythm, usually produced by other organisms with whom they interact socially. Examples include firefly flashing, mosquito wing clapping as well as human music and dance such as foot tapping.” –  Wikipedia at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Entrainment_%28biomusicology%29  It is interesting to note that only one species – humans – can clap hands, tap feet, and dance in time with music. This speaks to our role as ‘pacemakers’ as the Divine symphony unfolds on earth.


3. The Piscean Age is called the “Age of Glamour”, in which our suffering is very real indeed, yet the causes are rooted in illusion and delusion. To understand the mechanism of this (and how it relates to Pisces) see  “The Age of Pisces: Spiritual Redemption”

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1 thought on “Pisces Virgo: The Healing Heart (Part 2)

  1. Pingback: PISCES-VIRGO: THE HEALING HEART (Part II – Soul Astrology With Ruth

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