My First Experience of a Life Coaching Session

  • life coaching sessionHarleen Chadha shares her first experience of a life coaching session

“Me and life coaching?”

That was a conversation I was having with a friend last year when I was 7 months pregnant and at a career crossroads: making a decision to stay out of the 9 to 5 ‘rat race’ and do something for myself that I am passionate about!

As I learned more about life coaching, I realized I felt drawn to this growing industry. However, before plunging into it, I decided to hire a coach for myself to get a flavor of what this ‘life coaching’ is all about.

Apprehensive about how it was going to unfold for me, I tentatively dialed in for my first life coaching session. The first thing I was asked was, ” What is it that you are longing for?

I had conflicting views about what to do with my career: switch, or stay in a safe place? I was expecting my coach to give me an answer, but I was frankly disappointed as I saw where the call was going. It seemed to be nowhere near what I was seeking help for. 

Why was I being asked about what I am longing for? Or what motivates me?

Why was I being asked about what I am longing for? Or what motivates me? I was offered a few exercises to complete as a part of my homework, so I politely agreed to do them and we ended the conversation with an agreement to follow up later.  I wasn’t at all sure if I was going back as I hadn’t found the answers I was looking for, but my heart told me to give this a second chance.

“I wasn’t at all sure if I was going back as I hadn’t found the answers I was looking for, but my heart told me to give this a second chance.”

A week later (in our second life coaching session) my coach followed up on my homework and we did a visualization. That was when everything changed. In that 5-minute visualization I met the stronger and clearer me. Yes! That’s what I had been longing for. Forget about the career!

There was so much happening within me. Inner values were unearthed (from what seemed like the caveman ages) that I never even knew existed. It wasn’t perhaps a ‘career’ that I was craving,  but more to fulfil my desire to make a difference in people’s lives. I had discovered my life purpose , my strengths, my weaknesses, and the ‘big learn’ was that all these answers were already deep within me – just waiting to be excavated! Everything that I had been asked by the coach seemed very relevant now.

“All these answers were already deep within me – just waiting to be excavated!”

I have found my ‘golden nugget’ in coaching! I believe a life coach is one of the  greatest gifts we can have in our life. You never know what that thing is, that’s deep within you, just waiting to be explored… give it a go!

P.S. Thanks to my life coach unearthing my deep desire to support people I am currently a practicing life coach with CTI ready to help you unleash the ‘real you‘! 

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2 thoughts on “My First Experience of a Life Coaching Session

  1. Munish Kaushal

    Your post only is so motivating, I am sure that i will get my “deep within” answers in the forthcoming session with you. Cant wait !

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