Capricorn-Cancer: The Creation of Heaven on Earth (Part 1)

Living Soul Astrology

In this article from the LCM Archive Soul Astrologer Ruth Hadikin explores the deeper meaning of the Capricorn-Cancer axis for our spiritual journey…

capricorn cancerCapricorn is the great resource manager of the Zodiac. The sign of Capricorn is associated with business, accounting, banking, finance, governance, authority, ambition and achievement through practical, diligent, precise and methodical application of one’s energy. Symbolized by the sure-footed mountain-goat, securely placing one foot in front of another until she reaches her mountain-top, one could be forgiven for thinking that the sign of Capricorn is the most practical, down-to-Earth sign of them all. This is quite true and, at one and the same time, it is also the most mysterious and Esoteric sign because the true mysteries of Capricorn remain deeply hidden. Welcome to the enigmatic world of Capricorn.

“The light of life must now shine forth within a world of dark”1


– Alice A. Bailey



The Tibetan2 tells us that Capricorn is the least understood of all the Zodiac signs because humanity does not yet have the consciousness to comprehend it’s true meaning at this stage of our evolution. He also explains how the true symbol for Capricorn has never been drawn because of it’s power2: it is the signature of God. According to the Tibetan, Capricorn is the sign of Christ Consciousness.



Does this mean that every Capricorn we meet has the spiritual awareness of Christ? Of course not, however there is a clue to the deeper mysteries of Capricorn in the idea that Capricorn is at the same time associated with both the Consciousness of Christ and the material world. In our spiritual development Capricorn is where we learn to use spiritual resources and deeply imbue physical matter with spiritual energy.



Capricorn season is the time of year when the Northern hemisphere of Earth is farthest from the Sun. Winter Solstice is a time when Northern cultures would traditionally hold major festivals to celebrate the ‘return of the light’. It is no accident that the birth of Christ is also celebrated at this time, and was heralded by a bright star.



Capricorn is the farthest point into matter that light has travelled thus far. So our Capricorn friends can be forgiven if they seem deeply rooted in the concrete material world – they are – and yet they have whole Universes to bridge with their light.



Hidden deep within the mysteries of Capricorn are vast undiscovered metaphysical sciences. Sacred arts, including sacred geometry and alchemy are just the ‘tip of the iceberg’. Capricorn is the sign of precision engineering, and while many Capricorns do indeed use their innate knowledge of physical matter to engineer the physical realm, the highest octave of Capricorn involves engineering light. Capricorn is here to utilize spiritual resources to build heaven on Earth, and beyond! But Capricorn can never access this highest potential with her nose stuck in an accounting book.



Many spiritual traditions consider those who only believe what their eyes can see to have limited capacity for spiritual development3. This is the ego trap of Capricorn: becoming so deeply focused on concrete, tangible results, that she forgets to acknowledge the deepest wisdom of her other senses. Capricorn needs to acknowledge all her sense perceptions if she is to awaken not only to higher awareness, but to higher skill and capacity as an engineer of light: masterfully utilizing spiritual resources for the benefit of all sentient beings. In order to realize her higher mind, potential and greatest capacity Capricorn needs the multi-sensory capability of her polar opposite Cancer.



Whereas Cancer embodies empathy and emotional intelligence, at the personality level, our Capricorn friend has the unfortunate reputation of sometimes being the most ruthless sign of all. It is as though, in her diligent focus on getting through the business of the day, she is able to take into account and audit all the tangibles of a situation, while forgetting the very reason why resources need to be managed in the first place: to ensure that all creatures have opportunities for growth. A fully integrated Capricorn senses what will be needed by all, takes everything into account, and with great care, respect and compassion can move mountains to make sure all needs are covered.



Cardinal energy is the pioneering energy of creation that initiates change and ushers in new ways of being and doing. Earth signs are all about mastery of the physical. So, as the Cardinal Earth sign, Capricorn is all about creating new ways of mastering our physical realm: how we utilize our energy and physical resources for the highest good. It is no accident that the Cardinal Earth sign is associated with governance and authority.



At the moment we are experiencing a transit of Pluto through Capricorn which began in November 2008 and lasts until 2023. These are very important times we are living through. Many of the political and Governmental upheavals that we are experiencing are as a result of the transformational energy of Pluto being in the sign of Capricorn. Pluto is known as the great revealer. It breaks down old systems that are no longer working, and reveals that which is hidden by bringing it to the light for healing.



Pluto is revealing to us where we have created governmental and financial systems from a low vibration Capricorn perspective, which was so off balance that it became possible for us to ‘use’ and ‘abuse’ Earth’s resources ruthlessly for personal gain. During this transit we have the opportunity to transform by accessing the highest octave of Capricorn, which pioneers new ways of sharing and relating to Earth’s resources, by bringing in the compassionate energy of her polar opposite Cancer.


The healing and balancing of the Capricorn-Cancer polarity is what we are currently experiencing. The Pluto-Capricorn transit is calling us up to heighten our awareness and access the highest octave of Capricorn for the good of all. At the end of this transit, Capricorn-Cancer will have created new ways of being in the world that honor, respect, and nurture all sentient beings, ensuring everything is taken into account (including the needs of the Earth herself) to build healthy, harmonious, sustainable futures for Mother Earth and all her creatures.

 This post is an excerpt from Ruth’s book “Soul Astrology: How Your Rising Sign Reveals Your Soul Path and Life Purpose” Click HERE to read more and/or order your copy.

Key Points:

  • Capricorn is the sign of ambition: on the personality level this can be personal ambition, at the Soul level this is discipleship or spiritual ambition.

  • The spiritual path of Capricorn is to direct light into physical form especially by creating social structures and systems of governance that support a spiritually awakening humanity.

  • The ego-trap for Capricorn is in being too concrete, objective and materialistic. Keeping her stuck in the practical, business-like material outer world.

  • The solution is to journey deep within herself – to embrace the highest vibration, and consciousness, of her opposite sign Cancer: which will open her perceptive abilities, and awaken her to the inter-relatedness of all things.


1.“The Labours of Hercules: An Astrological Interpretation” by Alice A. Bailey


2.“Esoteric Astrology” The wisdom of the Tibetan (Master DK) as channelled through Alice A. Bailey.

3.“Creative Meditation and Multi-Dimensional Consciousness” by Lama Anagarika Govinda.


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  1. Pingback: CAPRICORN-CANCER: CREATING HEAVEN ON EAR – Soul Astrology With Ruth

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